Let's write the next chapter of our story together
from a pluralist perspective, maintaining the centrality of Israel and
strengthening the relationship between the Jewish communities of the diaspora and Israel.

For us, all expressions of Judaism and Zionism are valid. We believe that Jewish identity is not a question of ‘black and white’, but rather a mosaic of different colours that form a dynamic and relevant people.
Our Pillars

• The appropriate response to the real needs of the Jewish people, rooted in our Jewish identity, affirms our right to sovereignty.
• Our vision of Israel as the centre (spiritual and material) of the modern Jewish experience.
• Israel, as the State of the Jewish People, with the Hebrew language, legitimising free Judaism as a social norm and allowing its citizens a high degree of national sovereignty.

• We accept as legitimate and even necessary the
existence of different currents of thought, philosophical conceptions and forms of worship within the broad framework of the modern Jewish spectrum.
• Our pluralist vision is not limited solely to the Jewish dimension, but expands to the universal, as we see in it a behaviour framed in the liberal ‘way of being’, attentive to interhuman relations in general.

Social Liberal
• We see the modern state as responsible for creating basic conditions for all citizens that allow healthy competition between the various factors of production, fights against the monopolisation of the means of production, transport, trade or information, allows free access to education and information and avoids the concentration of power in the hands of a few.

• We declare ourselves Humanists because we see Man - in his or her specific form -
as the central goal of our conception.
• Our vision of society considers the human being as the primary element in politics and society.
Goals and Purposes
Discover our 11 objectives that guide our mission. Each goal reflects our dedication to building a more promising future. Through concrete actions, we seek to have a positive impact on the community.
Strengthening Jewish identity
Unity of the Jewish people
Centrality of Israel in the Jewish Experience
Promotion of Jewish education in all its aspects.
Supporting the development and growth of the Hanoar Hatzioni Family
Aliya Promotion
Hebrew language study and dissemination of Jewish culture
Action for National Funds
Action in support of various expressions of Jewish solidarity
Promotion of reciprocal relations between the State of Israel and Jewish communities.
Combating all expressions of anti-Semitism
What is the World Zionist Congress?
The World Zionist Organization (WZO), founded by Theodor Herzl at the First Zionist Congress in 1897, has long been a powerful force in promoting Zionism and the establishment of a Jewish state in the ancestral homeland.
Today, the WZO remains steadfast in its mission to strengthen Jewish identity and deepen the connection to Israel through education, advocacy and community outreach. The WZO’s influence extends to the World Zionist Congress (WZC), the overall ideological and political body of the Zionist movement, where decisions shape the leadership and policies of national institutions and support Jewish communities around the world.
With your help, TH4 has the opportunity to be part of this influential body, lending our collective voices to shape the future of the Jewish people.